How To Find Your Way Volume 9 Paris Covid_19

Cover of the zine HTFYW vol 9
Back of the zine HTFYW vol 9
Page 2 of the zine HTFYW vol 9
Pdf of the zine HTFYW vol 9
Pdf of the map at the back of the zine HTFYW vol 9

How to find your way” is a conceptual zine self-published by Gregoire Huret.

The best way to enjoy analogue street-photography and to find your way in the city. All photographs are located on the map behind the zine, it’s easy and you can keep it in your pocket !

With this zine, the artist want to promote street photography and let people learn more about a city with a free media that they can share around them.

It’s totally FREE and you can also download the PDF if you want to do it by yourself.

The zine is available at Fringe Coffee Paris, Ofr Bookstore & Nation Photo.



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