15 juillet 2018 - Paris

As everyone knows, France won the 2018 football world cup. As a number one fan of our football team, of course I followed this world cup with a lot of madness and zero objectivity. We are the best !

At the final whistle, we went down the streets of Paris to celebrate the victory. Going to the Champs Elysées, the streets were crowded. All the French people were out singing, dancing, drinking, celebrating … It was a crazy night.

Leica M6 & Kodak Ekatchrome 100

©️ www.tetedeloup.com

La France Est Championne Du Monde


La France est championne du monde après sa victoire contre la Croatie (4-2).  Quelques minutes après le coup de sifflet final, une nuit de pure folie attendait tous les supporters des bleus.


France is world champion after defeating Croatia (4-2).  A few minutes after the final whistle, a night of pure madness was waiting for all the french supporters. 


All shot on film by Grégoire Huret for ©️ www.tetedeloup.com

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