MiuMiu Paris Fashion Week 2023
May 7, 2023Outside MiuMiu PFW 23
Outside MiuMiu PFW 23
Random street styles during Paris Fashion Week women ready to wear FW 23 - 24 Paris
Louis Vuitton, Musée d’Orsay, Paris
All shot on film with Leica M6 by Grégoire Huret
Valeria Chenskaya in Paris
All shots by Grégoire Huret
Random street styles during Paris Fashion Week Men 23 - Paris
Dior, Place de la Concorde, Paris
All shot on film with Leica M6 by Grégoire Huret
Très heureux de voir une de mes photos de la Paris Fashion Week sélectionnée par Leica.
Very happy to see one of my PFW photo selected by Leica.