5 frames by Gregoire Huret on Emulsive

Emulsive.org just published few words about me and my photographs.

My name is Grégoire Huret, I live in Paris and I practice 35mm photography. I take black and white photographs almost exclusively, and most of the time work on street photography. I’ve done a lot with Kodak films (Tri-X 400 and T-MAX 400) but nowadays I only use the ILFORD HP5 Plus. I find that the HP5 Plus offers more shades between black and white than Kodak’s…

You can read the rest here: 

- UK VERSION : http://emulsive.org/articles/5-frames-with/5-frames-with-31-ilford-hp5-plus-by-gregoire-huret

- FR VERSION: http://emulsive.org/articles/5-frames-with/5-frames-with-31-la-pellicule-ilford-hp5-plus-par-gregoire-huret-fr

35mm camera - Olympus Mju I

First photographs with an Olympus Mju I, a 35mm camera with flash and AF.

It easily fits in the pocket, its auto-focus is quite reactive and it allows to flash people’ faces without problem. 

Here are the first photographs shot with Ilford HP5 (except the last one because it is the photographer of the photocall who took it).

© Copyright - Grégoire Huret - www.tetedeloup.com

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